
Individual Coaching

Working 1:1 with a coach is a powerful and extremely effective way to dive deeper into understanding yourself and reaching your goals. Our process of coaching is client driven and coach supported. Meaning, you are empowered to set our agenda for each coaching session as we work towards identifying and removing your specific roadblocks and reaching the goals you've outlined for yourself.

Each Individual Coaching Engagement includes the following:

  • Energy Leadership Index (ELI) Assessment

  • Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment

  • 90 minute ELI debrief session

  • 60 minute CliftonStrengths Debrief session

  • 9, 50 minute coaching sessions over 4 months

  • Bonus post-last session check-in, 30 min

Group/Team Coaching & Programs

High functioning teams have strong leadership, a clear vision, shared values and a desire to work collectively to reach your goals. Our group coaching programs strengthen your team’s cohesion, create clarity around team and individual strengths and support each person’s unique growth journey as a leader and contributor.

Group coaching programs are customized for each client and can include:

  • Energy Leadership Index (ELI) Assessment for each team member

  • ELI Debrief session compiled for your team and individual assessment review sessions

  • Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment for each team member + team theme & strengths mapping

  • Individual 1:1 coaching sessions for each team member

  • Team discussion & coaching

Energy Leadership Index (ELI) Assessment

The ELI is a one-of-a-kind researched-backed, attitudinal assessment tool that allows you to look honestly at your perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, and overall leadership capabilities in times of stress and non-stress. The assessment measures your ability to lead people, including yourself, to take positive, productive, and sustainable action. The assessment also measures how involved or engaged you are in your roles and tasks on the job and at home. Finally, the assessment shows your energetic reaction to stress so that you can recognize and, if desired, modify that reaction.

The ELI provides a baseline of where your energy as a leader is showing up right now in your personal and professional roles, and how it is being harnessed to help you progress or hinder your performance. Overall, it helps with the challenge of increasing awareness to be a more effective leader.

The Forbes Coaches Council recommends 11 assessments every executive should take, including the Energy Leadership Index (ELI) assessment, which is number three on their list.

The ELI process includes:

  • ELI Assessment

  • 90 minute debrief session on your ELI results

  • Personalized ELI report

Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment

CliftonStrengths identifies areas where an individual’s greatest potential for building strengths exists. We often take our most powerful talents for granted, and many of us may not be fully aware of them. The ways in which you most naturally think, feel and behave as a unique individual are such a dominant part of you that they are always there — everywhere you go and in everything you do. But because your greatest talents are such a natural part of you, they might be harder for you to pinpoint than they are for others.

We all need a little help in understanding and appreciating our own and others’ thoughts, feelings and actions. That’s where CliftonStrengths comes in. CliftonStrengths is the code that cracks open your awareness of your unique talents.

CliftonStrengths Serves as a Starting Point for Self-Discovery

CliftonStrengths is a tool that can help us gain awareness of our greatest talents and begin turning them into strengths. Our greatest talents — the ways in which we most naturally think, feel and behave — represent our innate power and potential. When we tap into this source of wisdom and power, we gain the ability to transform every moment, every interaction and every day.

Once we become aware of our dominant CliftonStrengths themes, we can practice using them every day. And we can add to or develop new knowledge and skills to help us be more effective. This investment of skills, knowledge and practice propels us to strength — the ability to consistently produce a specific positive outcome.

As you use your talents repeatedly, they become refined. You gain experience, and through that experience, you gain knowledge and skills that will combine with your talents to create strength.

The CliftonStrengths process includes:

  • Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment

  • 60 minute debrief session on your unique strengths profile

  • Personalized strengths report, custom strengths insights and action items

Workshops & Speaking Engagements

We are excited to partner with you to bring engaging, thought-provoking content to your workshop, conference or social gathering. Let’s design a learning session that adds value for your attendees and compliments the goals or theme of your event. Our coach-led presentations are designed to inspire curiosity while opening hearts and minds.

Sample speaking topics include:

  • Energy & Leadership

  • 7 Levels of Leadership

  • Goal Setting

  • Turning Talent into Strength

  • Confidence and Authenticity

  • Leveraging your Values and Strengths

  • Identifying “What’s Next?” in your Career

  • Energy Influencers-what are they and how can they work for you